Friday, October 8, 2010


We really started this blog to keep track of our life in Dubai, and now it has taken a turn! We are in Houston, TX, staying at a friend's home. All the kids are with me, Chris went back to work in Dubai. Julia is getting chunky and lots of attention from Aunt and Grandmas. Laurel is in the NICU at Texas Children's Hospital. The doctors are still running tests on her - trying to figure her out. So far, her MRI shows area of her brain that didn't develop quite like it should - but her seizures are under control with medication. They tried removing the ET tube today, and she did not like it. The ENT looked at her throat - all normal anatomy. Her eye exam was good, her lungs are good. They were doing an ultrasound of her kidneys when I left today. One of her hip joints is out of the socket and both her feet turn in, so orthopedics, PT and OT have been by to meet her. Lots of labs have been drawn and sent off to check for diseases/syndromes/conditions/etc. Kinda like looking for a needle in a hay stalk. On a brighter note, I have held her twice! Grandma got to hold Laurel when Julia got jealous and decided she needed to eat. She is such a sweet baby - just like her sister!
We are so thankful for our family and friends that have been here to help, brought food, and sent their love and prayers our way. And for the greatness of our God - His comfort is like no other.


  1. Oh my heart goes out to you having to watch Laurel go through all this. It's so hard on a mother and father's heart to watch their baby go under sedation and surgery etc. Love and hugs to y'all.

  2. So good to hear again! I know it's a challenge trying to keep people updated as things change all the time! Glad you're back "home" with lots of help for right now and all the best at Texas Children's trying to get to the bottom of things. Texas Children's NICU was where Andrew was when he was born prematurely. So happy you got to hold little Laurel! Those small acts that we all take for granted are huge!

    Hang in there! We continue to think of you daily!

    Cara and all

  3. have been chronically checking here and fb daily hoping for some new news. think about yall so much. glad you got to hold laurel.... its SO TOUGH not being able to snuggle them close isnt it? hugs hugs and more hugs.

  4. How wonderful you finally got to hold precious Laurel! Thanks so much for the blog-so nice to have a place to check for updates. We are sure thinking of you all and praying for you. These are trying times. So thankful for all your support there. Big hugs to ALL! glendax5
